Saturday, November 19, 2011

Chinese people and their government

I have noticed a vast difference between the older generation and the younger generation when politics is discussed. The older generation does not have confidence or faith in their government and they are very guarded about it. The younger generation has full faith and confidence in their government and supports its policies - even restricting freedom of the press, real estate, etc. It is very interesting. It might be because the older generation grew up during very different times they experienced extreme poverty, were encouraged to tell lies about their parents which led to family members being put in jail or beaten, and they are tax payers. The younger generation has experience prosperity, freedom through social media, and not a brutal police force. Both old and young that I have spoken to support the government limiting religious activities. The younger generation even supports freedom of information. Most people have jobs in companies that are allowed to have access to whatever information they want. So they feel it is important to keep others under control. When I have asked who the others are - they will not say it because it sounds horrible coming out of their mouths, but it is the poor and the uneducated. I find it ironic that in a communist system it is the poor that often fights for it as a means of gaining parity, but when the new regime is in power they do all that they can to suppress the very people that put them there and who they were supposed to protect/help so that they are not thrown out of power, killed, etc. By restricting property rights and information - you keep the poor poor.......especially in a place where education is distributed based on where you own property and not where you reside.

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