Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas celebration continues...

I have not felt like taking pictures...I know it is horrible!

In a nutshell we went to an amazing Christmas Eve gather at night to a home in Beijing was like being in America - large beautiful houses, dryers, dishwashers, ovens...I didn't want to go home!

The highlight for me was the drawing table that they set up to entertain the kids. Gavin was drawing various anatomy pictures and handing them out to the guests....I saw a virus dominated body, a virus using a host cell to breed more viruses, an xray of a hand, the digestive system, the respiratory system, etc. It was funny.

When we got home at night Gavin wanted to help me wrap presents - so I brought out all of the presents, and Sam, Gavin and I wrapped them all.

Christmas day we opened all of the presents and dashed off to was a very dramatic cab ride to church........We were in the cab over 1 1/2 hours, and he still couldn't find the location. What worried me even more was that he seemed to be doing the opposite of the directions given to him by people in the neighborhood. I ended up demanding that he stop the car at what seemed to be a construction site....not knowing if we'd be able to find another cab, but preferring to walk whatever distance necessary to find a better solution....all the while Gavin me is asking questions like... "Mom, why are you mad at the cab driver?"...."He's a bad man, right mom?"

I was really frazzled by the time we arrived at church (2 hours later), and pretty much bawled on and off for the next 3 hours. At church we were invited over to VT house for dinner.....that happened after we sat behind her in church and we made a TON of noise.....she is a saintly woman.

She has 5 kids, and has a very fun house.

We had an amazing Christmas dinner of Turkey, pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, and fruit salad....Chinese people do not eat Turkey so it is a super special, really expensive treat here in BJ.

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